Ancient Migratory Routes and
Robert D. Morritt
the earliest trace of known civilization, this book traces the evolution of
mankind from the high inland plains of eastern Africa over two million years ago
when Africa was a well-watered prairie. We view the advent of early hunters,
farmers and herdsmen and cave dwellers and their early lithic inscriptions
evident on rock paintings. Their climate changed over four thousand years as
rivers dwindled, replaced by scrub and sand. Also covered herein is a look at
migratory routes of early peoples. Archaic writing. We consider the impact of
traces of Semitic and Sumerian cultural contact with the Americas and of
other evidence discovered in North, Central and South America from evidence
uncovered of Old World artifacts. The book also examines the origins of the
Ogam (Ogham) language and Linear 'A', and the evolution of writing. It is
hoped this map afford the reader a better comprehension of early societies in
the light of recent discoveries.